One Company
For All of Your Photography Needs

My name is Jared Van Meter and I love photography. I grew up in Oregon and got to see a variety of different views between towering mountains, captivating deserts and crashing waves on majestic beaches. I moved to Southern Utah 30 years ago and have found rich beauty here as well. What I find fascinating is being able to capture a moment in time, preserve it and share it for the world to see. Photography doesn’t mean much if you can’t share it with others.
I created my company so I can help capture and share what others want to display and show to the public. Whether it’s personal or business, it doesn’t matter. I can help you share what you need with Virtual Tours and photography. Being a photographer for this many years has taught me that most of the time, it’s the small things that can mean the most. No person or company is too small or too big for me to help. Let me assist you with capturing and sharing what you want the world to see.